Eco-ways for the sake of those that have projects but need an expert supervision came up with this product. Here we help our clients manage a project from start to finish with all major stakeholders being carried along in all phases of project life cycle.
Project and program management currently becomes one of the key tools for accomplishing operating and strategic objectives in most of the companies not only abroad but in Russia as well. However, project implementation using the company’s own resources does not always lead to the results planned by the leadership team. Major reasons underlying possible failures include a sharp increase in the number of projects and the lack of in-house specialists who can manage projects really well.
Due to these reasons, many companies, which experience an active growth and development of project activities, find the solution actively used in world practice, namely to outsource project management to a third-party company, which is independent from the contractor engaged for the project and represents the customer’s interests specializing in professional project management.